Our dental center has a powerful modern tool that allows you to scan the oral cavity.
With its help, we obtain digital 3D casts of teeth and surrounding soft tissues. And we can immediately assess the situation in the oral cavity, as well as demonstrate it to the patient on the monitor screen.
Thus, there is no need for the obsolete and inconvenient procedure for creating plaster models and casts.

Human vision is not limitless. Therefore, we expand our abilities with the help of a microscope, which facilitates the task and guarantees an accurate diagnosis.
Therefore, in the dental center "Aesthetics" we use it at all stages of treatment to achieve high accuracy.
- when placing fillings, treating and retreating root canals;
- during tooth extraction, microsurgery, bone grafting, gum plastic surgery, implantation, sinus lifting;
- when prosthetics with veneers, crowns, onlays;
- during periodontal treatment;

CALAMUS DUAL® obturation system (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzerland) - a kit for three-dimensional root canal filling.
Provides volumetric sealing of the root canal system, helps to achieve tightness, which is the key to long-term and reliable functioning of the tooth after treatment, without relapses and inflammation.

The DAC Universal autoclave unit has been tested and approved by the world's leading manufacturers of handpieces, contra-angles, turbines, ultrasonic handpieces and puster tips to meet hygiene and cross-contamination standards.

Cone beam computed tomography is an essential step in the diagnosis of treatment for our patients. Thanks to modern technologies, the device is absolutely safe.
SafeBeam technology takes care of the health of adults and young patients.
The optimal size of the scanning field of 10x10 cm will give a complete picture of the state of the dental system, both for dentists, maxillofacial surgeons, and ENT specialists.

Vector is used for the treatment and prevention of gingivitis, periodontitis and peri-implantitis.
The used aqueous suspensions of Vector Fluid abrasive (Vector Fluid abrasive) and Vector Fluid Polish (Vector Fluid polish) help to remove dental plaque from the surface of the tooth root in deep periodontal pockets and polish it.
These procedures lead to a decrease in the depth of pathological pockets and relieve inflammation of the soft tissues around the tooth.
When treating gums with Vector therapy, the work for the patient is comfortable, without pain and without damage to soft tissues.

The Beyond Laser Teeth Whitening System has no harmful effects due to the use of high intensity blue spectrum light that is filtered through over 12,000 optical fibers.
As a world leader in the development and manufacture of professional cosmetic dentistry products, BEYOND uses the safest and most advanced teeth whitening technology available.

MOCOM Millennium autoclaves meet all safety standards and are a technical innovation in the field of small autoclaves.
With this device, you can qualitatively sterilize all instruments and materials used in dentistry. All operations are controlled by a microprocessor.
The autoclave is the ideal assistant for the safest sterilization that meets professional requirements.

This device allows you to get fibrin enriched with growth factors from the patient's own blood directly in the clinic.
Processed and proven to be effective, PRF's innovative technique avoids inflammation and stimulates tissue growth.
Derived from your own blood, PRF membranes and PRF clots do not cause allergic reactions, stimulate wound healing and successfully help restore hard and soft tissues in the oral cavity.

Physiodispenser W&H (Austria) - a device for dental surgery, implantology and maxillofacial surgery. It allows you to perform oral surgery confidently, safely and with the highest precision.

The X-SMART PLUS® endomotor (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzerland) is used for passing, expanding and high-quality instrumentation of the root canal system. An indispensable tool for root canal treatment.

General anesthesia in the dental clinic "Estetika" is carried out using an anesthesia station EKU TRIGO (Germany), a condition monitoring monitor - Phillips V24C and a BIS monitor.
Thanks to all of the above devices, treatment "in a dream" is absolutely safe and under complete control.
During anesthesia, the patient's condition is monitored by the Phillips vital functions monitor, and the depth of drug-induced sleep is assessed by the BIS monitor (USA).

Device for inhalation sedation with nitrous oxide at the Aesthetics Dental Center.
The MasterFluxPlus device dispenses nitrous oxide (colloquially known as laughing gas), which is designed to calm and relax the patient before and during the procedure.
The device, thanks to automatic flow control, is absolutely safe.
You don't need an anesthesiologist to work.
This gas has relaxing and sedative properties, and also has an analgesic effect with a slight hypnotic effect.

The PA-ON periodontometer is a state-of-the-art device for measuring the depth of periodontal pockets and the degree of destruction of the periodontal junction.
With this device, determining the periodontal status of a patient takes only a few minutes.
This procedure is absolutely painless!
The PA-ON electronic probe is immersed in the periodontal pocket and determines the presence of pathological microorganisms in it.
Information from the probe is immediately transferred to a computer program in which the patient is diagnosed.

General anesthesia in the dental clinic "Estetika" is carried out using an anesthetic station EKU TRIGO (Germany), a Phillips V24C condition monitoring monitor and a BIS monitor.
Thanks to all of the above devices, treatment "in sleep" is absolutely safe and under full control.
During anesthesia, the patient's condition is monitored by the Phillips vital functions monitor, and the depth of drug-induced sleep is assessed by the BIS monitor (USA).

Programming the correct working time and mixing time prevents possible doctor errors. It is impossible to mix the material manually in the way the machine does.

Professional polarizing filter "Polar eyes" helps to remove glare on the teeth and make changes in the enamel structure visible to the naked eye. Since the human eye is not able to distinguish hundredths of a shade of color, and to create highly aesthetic ceramic restorations that will fit into the overall dentition, it is impossible to do without the use of this system.

In our daily practice, we use photo documentation. Since one of the principles of our clinic is transparency and openness, premium photographic equipment is indispensable, which allows you to take high-quality images with high magnification to clearly demonstrate to the patient his situation before and after our treatment.

This is a system for simulating mandibular movements and more accurate diagnosis of functional problems, based on 25 years of experience. With the help of this system, we can provide high-quality care to patients with serious bite problems and correctly plan further rehabilitation.
Thus, these two most powerful tools and a time-tested method for determining the individual characteristics of a patient's chewing allow us to make works not only highly aesthetic, but also highly functional, which will last for many years.