What causes an incorrect bite ?
Everyone wants to have straight beautiful teeth, to shine with an attractive smile, but most people have a dentition, alas, far from perfect. & nbsp; Crooked teeth, incorrect position of the teeth – this is not only aesthetically unpleasant moment, but also functional – the curvature of the teeth leads to accelerated abrasion due to improper occlusion and uneven chewing load, as well as difficult dental hygiene, as brushing is not always possible in hard-to-reach places, which can lead to the growth of bacteria, and they inevitably lead to tooth decay. So remember that in addition to brushing your teeth, you should regularly rinse your mouth after eating with special products, or at least plain water. & Nbsp;
Where in Odessa to install braces on teeth?
You can align your teeth in Odessa in dentistry “Aesthetics”, where professional dentists will conduct a thorough diagnosis, and then plan further dental treatment individually, taking into account all your indicators of the dental apparatus, for the best and predictable result.
At what age can you straighten your teeth?
Installation of braces is possible at any age, children and adults. The only difference is the wearing time. The older you are, the longer you will have to wear the braces.
Dental Center “Aesthetics” offers different types and methods of teeth alignment:
- Metal braces
- Ceramic braces
- Eyeliners (transparent toothpicks)
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Aesthetics is the way to a perfect smile
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Dentistry in Odessa. & nbsp;
Dental Center
г. Odessa, st. Seminar 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
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