Most people enjoy a refreshing drink , admiring the cozy aroma and bitter taste, unaware that a long-term habit can be the cause of yellowed teeth.
After all, natural coffee contains essential oils, which settle not only on the tooth enamel, but also on the gum neck, creating a dark halo where a large number of pathogens accumulate.
In addition, excessive coffee consumption affects the metabolism of calcium, washing it out of the body, and making the teeth fragile and vulnerable, however, bones also become a risk zone.
Coffee also works as a diuretic, flushing out micro and macro elements from the body, which simply do not have time to be absorbed due to frequent dehydration. And the condition of the teeth is always an indicator of our immunity and past diseases of the body.
In other words, if the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the teeth are the mirror of the human body as a whole.
There are those who like to combine coffee with a cigarette, which further aggravates the condition of the teeth.
How to protect your teeth from the negative effects of coffee?
- Do not overuse. Maximum two cups a day, and then, with a healthy heart. Coffee is generally contraindicated for pregnant women.
- After drinking a cup of coffee, drink half a glass of water, rinsing your mouth thoroughly, or better, brush your teeth with toothpaste.
- Do not drink coffee too hot
- Don’t drink coffee with ice cream. From the temperature difference, the teeth become fragile and vulnerable.
- Remove artificial (instant) coffee altogether. It’s scary to even imagine what’s mixed in there
- Professional teeth cleaning every six months. Teeth whitening and cleaning at the dentist will extend the life of natural teeth.
Drink coffee, but also take care of your teeth.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dentistry in Odessa. Primorsky district.
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
Aesthetic Dentistry offers surgery and implantation services.
We use only original materials of the best quality, namely the Straumann (Switzerland) and Nobel Biocare (USA) implant systems, which have the highest survival rate according to world statistics.
In case of loss of one, several or all teeth, dental implants (implants) are installed.
The denture upon completion of the procedure, which is performed in several stages, consists of:
- titanium rod that replaces the root of the tooth and is located in the gum
- abutment (connecting part of the pin and crown)
- crowns (visible part of the tooth)
This is the structure of a dental implant, for full functioning, as an alternative to a natural tooth, in case the tooth could not be cured and the damage was too strong.
An orthopedic dentist necessarily conducts a comprehensive diagnosis of the maxillofacial apparatus, after which he draws up a treatment plan, taking into account your individual indications and contraindications, as well as your wishes.
Prosthetics on implants is a serious job that involves several dentists from different fields.
You will also be offered such a service as dental treatment “in a dream” (sedation), or anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the task, so that the procedure is comfortable, calm and of the highest quality and accuracy.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
Periodontosis, Periodontitis, Periodontitis . What’s the difference?
At first glance, these terms may seem similar, but there are significant differences between these diseases.
First, let’s get it straight
What is a periodontium?
Periodontium (from the Greek. “near the tooth”), that is, the periodontal tissues that surround the tooth and hold it in the alveolus (hole for the tooth root in the jaw bone). Periodontium is a series of constituent tissues: gums, periodontium, dental cement, periosteum and alveolar processes.
Symptoms of periodontal disease:
- Non-inflammatory chronic gum disease
- Deposits
- Tooth neck exposure without gum pockets
- Possible gaps between teeth
- Good fixation of teeth
Symptoms of periodontitis:
- Gum damage
- Change in the color of the teeth (yellow, gray) in the affected area at the base of the gum
- Appearance of gum pockets
- Tooth mobility (tooth loose)
- Bleeding gums
- Possible highlights
- Depending on the stage – an inflammatory-dystrophic process that causes gum recession
- Bad breath
Symptoms of periodontitis:
- Damage to the periodontium (layer, tissue between the gum and the root of the tooth)
- Plaque, calculus
- Teeth turn yellow, darken
- Bleeding gums
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes
- Redden gums
- Bad breath
- Highlights
- Sharp pain
- Necrotic (non-viable) pulp. Damage to the nerve of the tooth.
- Leakness, weakness, possible fever
Periodontitis affects the tissue – periodontium, the layer between the gum and the root of the tooth (the periodontium holds the tooth in the gum socket). Depending on the degree of periodontal damage, the affected tooth tissues or the entire tooth are removed.
While periodontitis begins with damage and inflammation of the gums.
Periodontitis can degenerate into periodontitis if you do not start treatment in time and stop the destructive process.
It is important to remember that all diseases of the teeth and gums in an advanced case, give complications to the whole organism as a whole. Since the infection in the oral cavity spreads through the mucous system inside the body and affects the respiratory, urinary, reproductive and digestive systems.
Stomatology “Estetika” in Odessa (Primorsky district) brings to your attention a modern dental device – PA-ON periodontometer, which measures the depth of periodontal pockets and the degree of destruction of the periodontal junction. Thanks to this electronic probe and a painless procedure, a dentist can detect gum disease at an early stage. This greatly facilitates periodontal treatment and prolongs the life of living teeth. Regular diagnostics of teeth and gums is the key to a healthy smile.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
Everyday fuss, time flies unnoticed, but noticeable for the teeth, in the case when immediate assistance is required. After all, dental diseases by themselves, alas, do not go away, but only progress, without asking if you have free time to visit the dentist. To prevent possible complications with teeth and gums, make an appointment at the Aesthetics Dental Center in Odessa. Preservation of live teeth is always a priority.
Dental services in Odessa:
- Pediatric dentistry
- Braces and aligners
- Professional hygiene and whitening
- Ceramic restorations
- Root canal treatment
- Sleep dental treatment
- Surgery and dental implants
- Tooth extraction
- Sinus lift
- Computer-assisted dental diagnostics (CT)
- Treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontitis
- Installing a seal
- Veneers
- Dental care for pregnant women
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
Gingivitis is a disease of the mouth cavity, manifested by inflammation of the gums.
Gingivitis symptoms:
- Redden gums
- Puffiness
- Bleeding gums
- Pain when brushing teeth
- Bad breath
- Plaque
Basic forms of gingivitis:
- Catarrhal
- Hypertrophic
- Ulcerative
There are also different degrees of severity: mild, moderate, severe gingivitis. Acute or chronic, exacerbations of a disease such as gingivitis are also possible. The focus of the inflammatory process: localized or generalized.
Possible causes of gingivitis:
- Improper oral care
- Irregular or not thorough brushing
- Toothbrush too hard, damaging the gums
- Mistake
- Impaired salivation, dry mouth
- Medication
- Weak immunity
- Hormonal failure
Gingivitis can develop in both adults and children.
In some cases, gingivitis may be accompanied by symptoms such as:
- Headache
- Increased body temperature
- Insomnia
- Digestive problems
- Distraction
Depending on your clinical picture, the dentist will prescribe a diagnosis and a phased treatment. Professional cleaning of the teeth, removal of tartar and deposits, treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic preparations, therapy for inflammation, prescription of a vitamin complex, adjustment of dental and oral care.
Dentistry in Odessa “Aesthetics” offers the most modern methods of treating teeth and gums with the help of professional equipment in the hands of experienced dentists.
Make an appointment today. Remember, the sooner you treat your teeth, the longer they will last.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
When a tooth hurts, it’s affects the psyche, the nervous system of the body fails, and this affects the productivity of life, the quality of doing business, creativity, relaxation and the “weather” in the house. Don’t let the situation take its course. After all, pain in the teeth is a signal to urgently consult a dentist.
To avoid such a fate as the removal of root canals (tooth nerve), you should regularly visit the dentist twice a year in order to recognize at an early stage an emerging problem (in the form of a carious point, or stain, inflammation of the gums, or periodic toothache, to example), and eliminate it in time, continuing the life of a living tooth.
But, if it so happened that you, a hermit, wandered for a year or two through the mountains and picturesque plains, developing spiritual qualities, which is certainly important and useful, but before the trip you did not visit a dentist-therapist, and the tooth began to hurt regularly, delivering sharp pain, this may be a signal for a possible root canal problem.
Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to diagnose the dentoalveolar apparatus using a dental computed tomography (CT scan)
Why remove the nerves in the teeth?
This is a necessary measure for the following indications.
Indications for tooth nerve removal (depulpation):
- Launched caries. When a carious lesion occurs, on the outside, on the enamel, it can be a small dot, and inside the tooth there is already a void that imperceptibly crept up to the pulp, exposing the bundle of nerve endings of the tooth, which provokes pain.
- Infection of the root apex. When the infection penetrates the pulp in a retrograde way. Depulpation required.
- Chronic pulpitis. It can be almost asymptomatic (rare minor pains), although in fact the pulp has been infected for a long time, and when the nerves are affected, they are removed.
- Mechanical injury with a deep chip. If a tooth is broken, and the damage is significant, traumatic pulpitis occurs. The affected pulp becomes vulnerable to bacteria. If the infection gets inside, then the nerve endings become inflamed, which leads to pain, and their removal is required.
- Planned prosthetics, dental implants.
For such complications and indications, tooth depulpation is performed, nerves are removed, channels are cleaned, disinfected and sealed.
The Aesthetics dental center in Odessa uses a dental microscope, which greatly increases the quality of root canal treatment without affecting living tissues.
Also, the service of dental treatment “in a dream”, or superficial sedation, helps to make the process of tooth nerve removal painless, calm and effective.
High-quality dentistry in Odessa of the highest class.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38(094) 917-10-30
Restoration of damaged teeth or complete is tooth regeneration possible?
According to Harvard scientists, with the help of laser pulses and impact on the gums and tooth residues, our stem cells are able to regenerate dental tissues.
This conclusion was reached by American biologists who published an article in the journal Science Translational Medicine. A group of biologists led by David Mooney from Harvard University (USA) treated the “tooth” stem cells of mice with ultrasound, and already a day after irradiation, the proportion of TGF-beta in the cellular environment increased dramatically: stem cells began to turn into dentin, enamel and other components of dental tissue .
Suggested ways to grow a tooth:
- External – the tooth is grown separately and implanted in the patient
- Internal – the tooth is grown directly in the patient’s mouth
However, scientists from Kazan Federal University are convinced that it is premature to say that a laser can be used to grow a tooth. Why, the head of the Department of Dentistry and Implantology, Professor Rais Khafizov explained to the press center.
“Such experiences are not isolated today,” says Rais Gabbasovich. “British researchers from Kings College London, geneticists from Poltava, researchers from the University of Alberta, and Japanese molecular biologists from the RIKEN Institute tried to establish the process of growing teeth. Scientists have recorded some results: enamel-like formations were obtained somewhere, dentin-like formations somewhere. But to say that, thanks to the research, it was possible to grow a full-fledged tooth is very premature”
The professor recalled that a tooth is a multicomponent organ consisting of enamel, cementum, dentin and pulp. Therefore, it is quite difficult to get the whole organ at once in integrity. Previously, scientists grew “stem teeth”, but they, as a rule, had disadvantages: they had fragile enamel, rudimentary roots, and other defects.
However, Rais Gabbasovich believes, it is not worth stopping, because the study of stem cells is one of the priority tasks of modern medicine, since it may be possible to treat very serious diseases with their help in the future.
Currently, various studies are being actively conducted at KFU to study the ability of stem cells to build up tissues in medicine, in particular, in dentistry.
As a result of numerous experiments on dogs, positive results were obtained.
“Together with the scientists-researchers of the experimental laboratory Openlab “Gene and Cellular Technologies” and the staff of the Department of Dentistry and Implantology, IPM KFU conducts research aimed at studying the formation of bone tissue in & nbsp; segmental defects of the alveolar part of the lower jaw using stem cells, – explained Rais Gabbasovich. – In dogs with bone deficiency, we took adipose tissue from the greater omentum, isolated a fraction rich in stem cells from it, saturated porous granules of a biocompatible nickel-titanium material called “nitigran” with them for targeted delivery to the area of bone tissue defect. As a result, the cells began to actively form the blood supply system of the tissue and accelerate the process of bone tissue formation in the area of the segmental defect in the jaw of dogs.”
Cell Technology and Tissue Engineering is the future that has already happened.
Also this year, Japanese scientists proposed to grow teeth using monoclonal antibodies. The experiments were carried out on mice, antibodies to the USAG-1 gene can stimulate the growth of teeth in mice. In this case, one dose of the antibody is enough to start the process of forming a whole tooth.
While undoubtedly very important experiments are being carried out in the field of world dentistry, we treat with affordable modern technologies at the highest level.
Dentistry in Odessa.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38(094) 917-10-30
What causes an incorrect bite ?
Everyone wants to have straight beautiful teeth, to shine with an attractive smile, but most people have a dentition, alas, far from perfect. & nbsp; Crooked teeth, incorrect position of the teeth – this is not only aesthetically unpleasant moment, but also functional – the curvature of the teeth leads to accelerated abrasion due to improper occlusion and uneven chewing load, as well as difficult dental hygiene, as brushing is not always possible in hard-to-reach places, which can lead to the growth of bacteria, and they inevitably lead to tooth decay. So remember that in addition to brushing your teeth, you should regularly rinse your mouth after eating with special products, or at least plain water. & Nbsp;
Where in Odessa to install braces on teeth?
You can align your teeth in Odessa in dentistry “Aesthetics”, where professional dentists will conduct a thorough diagnosis, and then plan further dental treatment individually, taking into account all your indicators of the dental apparatus, for the best and predictable result.
At what age can you straighten your teeth?
Installation of braces is possible at any age, children and adults. The only difference is the wearing time. The older you are, the longer you will have to wear the braces.
Dental Center “Aesthetics” offers different types and methods of teeth alignment:
- Metal braces
- Ceramic braces
- Eyeliners (transparent toothpicks)
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Aesthetics is the way to a perfect smile
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Dentistry in Odessa. & nbsp;
Dental Center
г. Odessa, st. Seminar 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
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Керамические вкладки на зубы или traditional fillings, what to choose?
Let’s figure it out!
Ceramic inlays are a type of microprosthesis, and the best alternative to fillings.
Seals are plastic in their structure, and plastic has many disadvantages:
- abrasion, so the seals are unstable in shape;
- absorbing dyes, so they are unstable in color;
- And most importantly – plastic has a micro-shrinkage.
This means that over time, a gap inevitably forms between the filling and the tooth, into which the infection enters and caries forms.
Therefore, the seals need to be changed every two or three years!
Ceramics do not have such shortcomings.
This material is stable in shape and color, over the years it does not change its volume – the gap between the ceramic and the tooth does not appear.
This place is always a perfect fit, so there are no secondary processes – no caries or plaque.
Plus ceramics are not painted, that is, the color will be stable over the years.
In fact, in 10 years the ceramic tab will look the same as on the day of installation, which is not the case with the seal.
Let’s summarize the pros of ceramics:
- stability
- Effective and long-term treatment for patients who choose quality.
The only downside is the price.
This work is two to three times more expensive than a regular seal.
But if you distribute the price by years of service of ceramics – it is more profitable, because it is not subject to planned replacement.
Dentistry in Odessa.
Aesthetics is the way to a perfect smile
& nbsp;
Dental Center
г. Odessa, st. Seminar 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
& nbsp;
Absence of one or more teeth , and sometimes the absence of all teeth, is psychologically very depressing and frustrating, but eating becomes a test. Today, with the help of modern techniques and quality materials, it is possible to install dental implants, which fully replace lost teeth, both functionally and aesthetically.
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How much does dental implantation cost in Odessa?
The total cost of implanting one tooth is formed by the following factors:
- The level of the dental clinic. The premium-level dental center has prices an order of magnitude higher, which is logical, because the quality of treatment differs, as well as the professionalism and experience of dentists, and the most modern equipment.
- Implant brand, manufacturer, quality of material used. The cost of construction depends on the brand and the price set by it.
- Degree of pathology. Dependence on the clinical picture, possible need for bone grafting, other individual aspects of treatment that affect the cost of surgery.
- Aesthetics. Natural look and combination of color, shape, texture of the outside of the tooth with native teeth. This includes artistic skills that are highly valued in the field of dentistry.
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In the Aesthetics dental center, the price for the installation of a dental implant & nbsp; from UAH 22,000.
Advantages of installing dental implants:
- Installing a dental implant is a long-term alternative (with proper care and good health – for life) in the absence of native teeth.
- The operation is performed under sedation or anesthesia, depending on the clinical indications of a particular patient. Therefore, when you install a dental implant, you are not nervous or in pain.
- A dental surgeon places a tooth implant in a hole after removing his own tooth or in the jawbone. For this purpose the opening where the titanium support with the subsequent installation of a crown is screwed in is created. A titanium pin replaces the root of the tooth.
- Screws or implant pins to which crowns (dentures) that mimic natural teeth are attached subsequently take root and eliminate any discomfort during chewing, diction, and articulation of the patient.
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Aesthetics is the way to a perfect smile
& nbsp;
Dentistry in Odessa.
& nbsp;
Dental Center
г. Odessa, st. Seminar 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
& nbsp;