What the patient pays for over “expensive” dentistry?
When making, for example, a filling, you pay not only for the material and the treatment itself!
- for the high qualification of doctors.
To become a truly good specialist and keep abreast of all the innovations, the dentist needs to constantly increase the level of his specialization.
And medical education, especially in other countries, is very expensive.
- for service.
The clinic pays its employees a good salary and provides a full social package.
This makes the clinic staff feel more confident in their future and, accordingly, much happier.
And it’s easy for a happy team to be empathic and positive with their patients.
- for new technologies and modern equipment.
The clinic has the opportunity to regularly purchase the latest equipment.
Physicians can use the most modern treatment protocols.
Accordingly, the treatment is faster and more comfortable for the patient.
- for the safety of treatment.
The dentistry team carefully observes the highest standards of sterilization and ensures complete infection safety.
The clinic protects its reputation and categorically does not save on such things, but they are really expensive.
- for confidence in the results of treatment.
Coming to the clinic, the patient can see examples of how situations similar to his problem were solved.
- for medical support during and after treatment.
The patient will ALWAYS get answers to all questions and solve his problems, and it does not matter whether the process of his treatment is in progress or it has already been completed.
Dentistry in Odessa.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38 (094) 917-10-30
+38 (048) 709-10-30
+38 (0482) 32-72-98
+38 (048) 728-76-05