When a tooth hurts, it’s affects the psyche, the nervous system of the body fails, and this affects the productivity of life, the quality of doing business, creativity, relaxation and the “weather” in the house. Don’t let the situation take its course. After all, pain in the teeth is a signal to urgently consult a dentist.
To avoid such a fate as the removal of root canals (tooth nerve), you should regularly visit the dentist twice a year in order to recognize at an early stage an emerging problem (in the form of a carious point, or stain, inflammation of the gums, or periodic toothache, to example), and eliminate it in time, continuing the life of a living tooth.
But, if it so happened that you, a hermit, wandered for a year or two through the mountains and picturesque plains, developing spiritual qualities, which is certainly important and useful, but before the trip you did not visit a dentist-therapist, and the tooth began to hurt regularly, delivering sharp pain, this may be a signal for a possible root canal problem.
Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to diagnose the dentoalveolar apparatus using a dental computed tomography (CT scan)
Why remove the nerves in the teeth?
This is a necessary measure for the following indications.
Indications for tooth nerve removal (depulpation):
- Launched caries. When a carious lesion occurs, on the outside, on the enamel, it can be a small dot, and inside the tooth there is already a void that imperceptibly crept up to the pulp, exposing the bundle of nerve endings of the tooth, which provokes pain.
- Infection of the root apex. When the infection penetrates the pulp in a retrograde way. Depulpation required.
- Chronic pulpitis. It can be almost asymptomatic (rare minor pains), although in fact the pulp has been infected for a long time, and when the nerves are affected, they are removed.
- Mechanical injury with a deep chip. If a tooth is broken, and the damage is significant, traumatic pulpitis occurs. The affected pulp becomes vulnerable to bacteria. If the infection gets inside, then the nerve endings become inflamed, which leads to pain, and their removal is required.
- Planned prosthetics, dental implants.
For such complications and indications, tooth depulpation is performed, nerves are removed, channels are cleaned, disinfected and sealed.
The Aesthetics dental center in Odessa uses a dental microscope, which greatly increases the quality of root canal treatment without affecting living tissues.
Also, the service of dental treatment “in a dream”, or superficial sedation, helps to make the process of tooth nerve removal painless, calm and effective.
High-quality dentistry in Odessa of the highest class.
“Aesthetics” – the path to a perfect smile
Dental Center
g. Odessa, st. Seminarskaya 1/1
+38(094) 917-10-30