
Sleep treatment

Are you afraid of dentists, are you worried before going to the clinic, and fear makes you postpone treatment, losing the health of your teeth?

In the dental center Aesthetics, sleep treatment is a safe and comfortable procedure:

– we have more than ten years of experience in treating children and adults;

– modern drugs make it possible to carry out general anesthesia only for the duration of the procedure, they are very quickly excreted from the body and are not addictive;

– the use of modern “smart” devices makes it possible to fully control breathing, cardiac activity and pain processes in the body during the procedure;

– a professional team of anesthesiologists works, which will select the best method of pain relief for you, depending on your condition and treatment plan (general anesthesia or sedation);

Sleep therapy is a stress-free way to solve a problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

В первую очередь, людям, которые ценят своё время. Благодаря тому, что во сне можно сделать сразу больший объем работы, можно сократить количество визитов к стоматологу, что экономит время и силы пациента. Особенно это удобно для иногородних. 

Также отсутствует психологическое включение в процесс, поэтому не выделяется кортизол - гормон стресса, который ухудшает заживление и повышает вероятность осложнений.


Оборудование и препараты, используемые в современной анестезиологии, сводят к минимуму все возможные негативные последствия для организма. Принципиальная позиция нашей команды – не экономить на безопасности и комфорте пациента. Мы используем только современный мониторинг, во время которого врач-анестезиолог постоянно контролирует дыхание, артериальное давление, пульс и насыщение крови кислородом.

Врач-анестезиолог предложит Вам или Вашему ребёнку подышать специальным газом, чтобы Вы быстро уснули и не видели приготовлений к операции.

Затем врач внутривенно вводит специальные препараты.

После чего стоматолог приступает к своей работе и выполняет все нужные манипуляции.

На протяжении всего лечения анестезиолог и его команда наблюдают и контролируют общее состояние пациента.

Максимум через час после окончания лечения пациент полностью приходит в сознание и уже на следующий день может вернутся к своим делам.

В день по окончанию процедуры нужно воздержаться от вождения автомобиля и рекомендуется соблюдать покой.


Седация (от лат.sedatio – успокаивать) или «медицинский сон» - процедура, направленная на успокоение и расслабление пациента в ходе лечения. 

Седация в сочетании с местной анестезией – это альтернатива общему наркозу.

Во время седации пациент находится в полусне, у него сохраняются все жизненно важные рефлексы и он адекватно реагирует на обращения врача.


Лечение под общим обезболиванием показано:

  • детям со множественным осложнённым кариесом;
  • детям, которые панически боятся стоматологов;
  • детям с затруднённым носовым дыханием (наличие аденоидов);
  • детям с аллергической реакцией на местную анестезию, с анафилактическим шоком или отёком Квинке в прошлом;
  • детям с заболеванием ЦНС, эпилепсией и аутизмом;
  • взрослым людям с большим объёмом хирургических и лечебных мероприятий (удаление, имплантация, лечение множественного кариеса и т.д.)


Dental treatment in a dream

In the dental center Aesthetics in Odessa, sleep treatment is a safe and comfortable procedure:

– we have more than ten years of experience in treating children and adults in Odessa;

– modern drugs make it possible to carry out general anesthesia in Odessa only for the duration of the procedure, they are very quickly excreted from the body and are not addictive;

– the use of modern “smart” devices of the Aesthetics Dental Center in Odessa makes it possible to fully control breathing, cardiac activity and pain processes in the body during the procedure;

– a professional team of Odessa anesthetists works, which will select the best method of pain relief for you, depending on your condition and treatment plan (general anesthesia or sedation);

Sleep treatment at the Aesthetics Dental Clinic in Odessa is a stress-free way to solve a problem.

Recommendations before and after the treatment of a child in a dream in Odessa:

* During the week before the procedure in Odessa, there should be no colds and infectious diseases;
* Take a certificate from the pediatrician about the child’s health three days before the procedure at the Aesthetics clinic in Odessa;
* Pass a general blood test and blood sugar (if necessary)
* The last meal of the child should be 6 hours before the sleep treatment in Odessa, the last drink can be 4 hours in advance;
* It is necessary to measure and report the height and weight of the child;
* At the end of treatment in Odessa, take the child home.
* Houses are recommended to offer the child to drink. It is desirable to be in a relaxed comfortable environment without active games and doing lessons.

Recommendations before and after sleep treatment for an adult patient in Odessa:

* During the week before the procedure in dentistry in Odessa, there should be no colds and infectious diseases;
* Take a general blood test and blood sugar;
* Make an ECG (electrocardiogram)
* The last meal should be 6 hours before the procedure, the last drink can be 4 hours before;
* All medications that were previously taken are not canceled;
* On the eve of treatment, it is necessary to consult an anesthesiologist at the Aesthetic Dental Center in Odessa;
* At the end of treatment in Odessa, it is forbidden to drive; the clinic must be accompanied by relatives.

Who needs sleep therapy in Odessa?

First of all, people who value their time.
Due to the fact that in a dream you can do more work at once, you can reduce the number of visits to the dentist in Odessa, which saves time and effort for the patient. This is especially convenient for out-of-towners.
Also, there is no psychological inclusion in the process of sleep treatment in Odessa, so cortisol is not released – a stress hormone that impairs healing and increases the likelihood of complications.

How safe is this method of treatment in Odessa?

The equipment and preparations used in modern anesthesiology in Odessa minimize all possible negative consequences for the body.

The principle position of the team of the dental center Aesthetics in Odessa is not to save on the safety and comfort of the patient.
In Aesthetic dentistry in Odessa, only modern monitoring is used, during which the anesthesiologist constantly monitors breathing, blood pressure, pulse and blood oxygen saturation.

How is sleep treatment done in Odessa?

The anesthesiologist of the Aesthetics clinic in Odessa will offer you or your child to breathe in a special gas so that you quickly fall asleep and do not see the preparations for the operation.
Then the doctor intravenously injects special drugs.

After that, the dentist of the Aesthetics clinic in Odessa starts his work and performs all the necessary manipulations.

Throughout the treatment at the Aesthetic Dental Center in Odessa, the anesthesiologist and his team monitor and control the general condition of the patient.

A maximum of an hour after the end of treatment in Odessa, the patient fully regains consciousness and the next day can return to his business.
On the day after the end of the procedure at the Aesthetic dentistry in Odessa, you should refrain from driving a car and it is recommended to keep calm.

What is sedation in Odessa?

Sedation (from Latin sedatio – to calm down) or “medical sleep” is a procedure aimed at calming and relaxing the patient during treatment in Odessa.
Sedation combined with local anesthesia is an alternative to general anesthesia in Odessa.
During sedation at the dental clinic Aesthetics in Odessa, the patient is half asleep, he retains all vital reflexes and responds adequately to the doctor’s requests.

Treatment under general anesthesia in Odessa is indicated:

* children with multiple complicated caries;
* children who are terribly afraid of dentists;
* children with difficult nasal breathing (presence of adenoids);
* children with an allergic reaction to local anesthesia, with anaphylactic shock or Quincke’s edema in the past;
* children with CNS disease, epilepsy and autism;
* adults with a large volume of surgical and therapeutic measures

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